Aug 12, 2014 | | San Jose, CA
Client’s rating: 5 of 5

Tamara Pow is an experience business lawyer in San Jose and I strongly recommend her and the other business attorneys at Strategy Law, LLP. Tamara and her associates were very helpful in sorting out legal issues I was experiencing in my business. Everyone on her team was professional, thorough and prompt. Her coaching was helpful in resolving my matter without huge litigation or mediation costs. Tamara was sensitive to how quickly legal fees can add up, and I really appreciated her guidance to minimize the expense. Lastly, I never thought I’d say I liked dealing with my lawyer, but I actually really enjoyed talking with Tamara and her staff. I’d recommend Strategy Law LLC to any business owner in need of business partnership, contract, company formation or other business legal matters.It might be helpful to know that Tamara and most of her associates at the law firm were previously with Structure Law in San Jose. They left in April 2014 and formed a new company, Strategy LLC, with an office in downtown San Jose.

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