A limited liability company , or “LLC”, is a business structure that operates like a partnership but whose members are not personally liable for the company’s debts. The income of an LLC is treated as the income of the investors or owners of the LLC. The creation of an LLC is a complex task, involving important decisions regarding tax, management, transfers, and dissolution. If you are planning to form an LLC, it is essential that you talk to a partnership attorney in San Jose to ensure that you pick the right terms for your new business partnership. You will need to decide whether or not it is best to register your LLC in the state of California, or another state such as Delaware and you will need to file the necessary documents with the appropriate state and federal agencies, such as the Internal Revenue Service, Secretary of State, Department of Corporations, Employment Development Department and others. With the assistance of the experienced partnership attorneys at Strategy Law, LLP , you will be able to ensure that the process of setting up your LLC runs smoothly so that you can concentrate on your business.